[Insight-users] 64-bit and mhd long int output (watershed 'labelled' image)

Atwood, Robert C r.atwood at imperial.ac.uk
Wed Nov 2 05:52:52 EST 2005

The good news is that the results on a Intel em64t (SUSE 9.1 gnu/Linux
distib) for my use of the watershed appear good and somewhat faster than
on the 32 bit machine. The bad news is that I only get half the output.
I traced the problem to 'magic numbers' for the data element size
defined as constants in metaTypes.h shown below. 

I am not sure how it should be fixed in keeping with overall ITK program
style, I would use a preprocessor directive for a quick fix assuming
that CMAKE can set a macro by probing the system information Is there
already a macro created for this purpose?

or perhaps it is better in the long run to use a sizeof() -- then I
don't think it can be const and cannot be set in the header file?

Also, I could not find the itk::MetaImageIO member object m_MetaImage in
the Doxygen list of all members, though it appears in the header file as
displayed by Doxygen.

********** CVS status of the file *******************

File: metaTypes.h       Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:    1.4
   Repository revision: 1.4

************* Excerpt from metaTypes.h ****************

     27 typedef enum
     28    {
     29    MET_NONE,
     30    MET_ASCII_CHAR,
     31    MET_CHAR,
     32    MET_UCHAR,
     33    MET_SHORT,
     34    MET_USHORT,
     35    MET_INT,
     36    MET_UINT,
     37    MET_LONG,
     38    MET_ULONG,
     39    MET_FLOAT,
     40    MET_DOUBLE,
     41    MET_STRING,
     42    MET_CHAR_ARRAY,
     43    MET_UCHAR_ARRAY,
     44    MET_SHORT_ARRAY,
     45    MET_USHORT_ARRAY,
     46    MET_INT_ARRAY,
     47    MET_UINT_ARRAY,
     48    MET_LONG_ARRAY,
     49    MET_ULONG_ARRAY,
     50    MET_FLOAT_ARRAY,
     51    MET_DOUBLE_ARRAY,
     52    MET_FLOAT_MATRIX,
     53    MET_OTHER
     54    } MET_ValueEnumType;
     57 const unsigned char MET_ValueTypeSize[MET_NUM_VALUE_TYPES] = {
     58    0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 8, 4, 0 };

*********************copied   from Doxygen web pages

m_FileName	itk::ImageIOBase	 [protected]
m_FileType	itk::ImageIOBase	[protected]
m_Initialized	itk::ImageIOBase	[protected]
m_IORegion	itk::ImageIOBase	[protected]
m_NumberOfComponents	itk::ImageIOBase	[protected]
m_NumberOfDimensions	itk::ImageIOBase	[protected]
m_Origin	itk::ImageIOBase	[prot

00097 private:
00099   MetaImage m_MetaImage;
00101   MetaImageIO(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
00102   void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
00104 }; 

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