[Insight-users] help with analyze format segmentation ?? URGENT

ilker hacıhaliloğlu hacihaliloglu at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 15:32:08 EST 2005

hi all

i need urgent help with this problem

I wan to do wtaershed segmentaiton to an anallyze image which i got from a
dicom series
i converted the dicom series to 3D analyze image. when i run the exe file of
watershed segmentaiton
i allways keep getting this( i have changed the values in the code to 3D)

typedef itk::RGBPixel<unsigned short> RGBPixelType;
typedef itk::Image<RGBPixelType, 3> RGBImageType;
typedef itk::Vector<float, 3> VectorPixelType;
typedef itk::Image<VectorPixelType,32> VectorImageType;
typedef itk::Image<unsigned long, 3> LabeledImageType;
typedef itk::Image<float, 3> ScalarImageType;

itk:: Exception object
location: unknown
more then one component per pixel not supported.

i have also extracted one slices from thisanalyze volume and run the
watershed segmentation on this slice to look if i am doing somethink wrong
in changing the variables to 3D
format but again i got the same message

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