[Insight-users] Re: VTK/ITK with VC8

Arash Jahangir arash at vije.ca
Tue Nov 29 09:08:52 EST 2005

Hi  Nic,
I have gotten it to the point that the nightly code compiles if I limit 
myself to a minimal build (more problems on ITK than VTK) but in both cases 
the linker has issues.  Typical error message is with unresolved external 

Error 6 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__DestroyWindow at 4 
referenced in function "protected: virtual __thiscall 
(??1Win32OutputWindow at itk@@MAE at XZ) ITKCommon.lib

I'd appreciate any help with this.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nicolaus Andratschke" <koegli at yahoo.com>
To: <arash at vije.ca>
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 3:04 PM
Subject: VTK/ITK with VC8

> Hi Arash,
> I'm facing similar problems.
> Actually, the c++ part compiles quite well (VTK and
> ITK). I'll try Python wrapping today with VTK. The
> Python part with ITK fails completely. BTW, I haven't
> succeded to build CableSwig etc. for any Windows
> platform. That's why I switched to Ubuntu Linux.
> Unfortunately, there is a problem with ITK on Windows
> platforms as I regularly get exceptions when handling
> IO, e.g. with reading and writing dicom images. I'll
> post a message to the list.
> I would appreciate any update on your problem.
> Conversely, I let you know when I succeded.
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