[Insight-users] how to do tiled subregion operations

Richard Beare richard.beare at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 23:01:38 EST 2005

I'm having problems getting this working. I have a large image created
my mosaicing a number of images together. This is done by some
microscope software. I want to apply some lighting correction to each
sub image. My alternatives seem to be either welding multiple copies
of the background image to create a correction image that is the same
size as the mosaic, break up the mosaic and do the correction on
individual sub regions and the weld together again, or create an
output image of the correct size and type (same as the mosaic),
connect a correction pipeline to the input and correction image and
then reset the RequestedRegion of the output image to each relevant
position, calling Update after each reset. I'm attempting to do this
in python but I'm having trouble connecting the end of the pipeline to
the output image. It is possible that this is because the last
elements in my pipeline are casters of division filters that behave a
bit differently to other filters.

I've also tried some experiments with the RegionOfInterestFilter, without luck.

Is this the right way to go?


Incidentally, are there any filters that allow images of the same
dimension to be abutted to create a larger image? I couldn't see

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