[Insight-users] Need Help!3d image registration

LiuYuanJie lyj_george at 163.com
Sun Oct 30 06:54:08 EST 2005

I'm sorry that i'm eager to know how to do 3d image rigid (not deformable) registration. The examples that itk documents provided mostly are examples about 2-d image registration. I myself write some code and assign some parameters but can't get a good result.
So i hope someone can provide some 3d rigid image registration examples for me ,3q.
And here are another questions i encountered:
1. What is optimizerscale? The itk document doesn't explain it explicitly. when i want to do 3d image registration how can I set these parameters? for example,what does optimizerscale[0] represent,and set it to what value? ,etc.
2. I have found a 3d image regstration example which uses VersorRigid 3d transform.But I don't know what's the meaning of "Versor" and I also don't know the meaning of its parameters. Can anyone tell me ?
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