[Insight-users] compile time errors on MSVC.NET using MFCs

Rama Aravind Vorray ramavorray at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 10 10:15:17 EDT 2005


I am trying to use itkAffineTranform class in my 
OpenGL-MFC-SDI applicaiton and when I had included the
necessary itkAffineTransform.h file I am getting some
strange errors like below.

error C2802: static member 'operator new' has no
formal parameters
error C2091: function returns function
error C2090: function returns array
error C2059: syntax error : 'string'
error C2059: syntax error : 'string'

and I am being pointed out to the itkLightObject.h
file when I try to see from where this error is

It is pointing me to this place in the
itkLightObject.h file.

#ifdef _WIN32
  /** Used to avoid dll boundary problems.  */
  void* operator new(size_t);
  void* operator new[](size_t);
  void operator delete(void*);
  void operator delete[](void*, size_t);

What is causing this error and how to rectify it.

I tried to comment out these lines in the
itkLightObject.h and corresponding functions in
itkLightObject.cxx. But then I am getting some
hundreds of linker errors, like unresolved external
symbol itk::PrintHeader, etc.

Can you please suggest me what to do to get rid off
above errors.


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