[Insight-users] Compiling Errors

rama rama at robots.ox.ac.uk
Tue Sep 20 05:42:31 EDT 2005

Include the ITK include files before any other windows includes in your
stdafx.h file

For example if you want to include "itkImage.h" then write the line
'#include <itkimage.h>' in your stdafx.h file before any other standard
windows include files like 'windows.h', but do it after the WIN_VER
definitions in your stdafx.h file.

I did the same when I got this problem.


庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang) wrote:

> insight-users-request at itk.org <mailto:insight-users-request at itk.org>,
> 您好!
> I conbine VTK and ITK and build a win32 proj then the proj is OK
> however when I conbine VTK and ITK and change to a MFC project, then
> an error presents when compile:
>   c:\program files\ microsoft visual
> studio\vc98\mfc\include\afxv_w32.h(14) : fatal error C1189: #error :
> WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include <windows.h>
> anyone help me out
> =
>         致
> 礼!
>               庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang)
>               arhye at 163.com <mailto:arhye at 163.com>
>                  2005-09-20
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