[Insight-users] Memory Leak in very simple ITK/MFC Code

Frank Miller frankmiller at jhu.edu
Mon Sep 26 17:33:54 EDT 2005


Im getting strange memory leaks every time I use ITK with MFC. Here is 
how I can reproduce the problem. (Warning: I dont use CMake.  Please 
dont flame me.  I understand that CMake is great.)

First Case ( just to prove I know what Im doing ):

I create a new Win32 Console Project in Visual Studio (.Net 2003).  I 
add the Hello World code from the ITK Software Guide into the program. 
If it has been a while since you have read the Guide, here is the code.

    #include "itkImage.h"

    // ...

    typedef itk::Image< unsigned short, 3 > ImageType;
    ImageType::Pointer image = ImageType::New();

    // ...

I link to the appropriate libraries, build, run, and everything works great.

Second Case:

I create a new MFC SDI Application.  I add the exact same Hello World 
code, and link and build just as before.  Except, when I run the program 
this time, I leak about 12 bytes of memory.

Detected memory leaks!
Dumping objects ->
{159} normal block at 0x010E9D60, 12 bytes long.
  Data: <`   `       > 60 9D 0E 01 60 9D 0E 01 CD CD CD CD
{158} normal block at 0x010E9D18, 12 bytes long.
  Data: <    `       > CD CD CD CD 60 9D 0E 01 00 00 00 00
Object dump complete.

When I do more complicated things, I leak more memory.  But it always 
works great in a Win32 Console Project. My intuition tells me that it 
has something to do with Debug mode but I am not smart enough to detect 
a memory leak in a Release mode.

I would greatly appreciate any help,


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