[Insight-users] Error using ImageRegistration8.cxx

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Sep 29 17:44:36 EDT 2005

Hi Smriti,

1) How big are your images ?
2) How much memory does your machine has ?

Please post the MetaImage headers to the list,
so we can see the number of pixels along each
dimension, and the pixel type of your images.



Smriti Raghunathan wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am using ImageRegistration8.cxx to register two 3D image sets. Both 
> are CT images and both images are in .mhd format. However when I run the 
> code, after it starts registration I get the following error:
> ExceptionObject caught !
> itk::ExceptionObject <0104FCB0>
> Location: "ImportImageContainer::AllocateElements"
> File: H:\ITK\ITK_SOURCE_DIR\Code\Common\itkImportImageContainer.txx
> Line: 186
> Description: Failed to allocate memory for image
> I have tried running this code before on two other image sets but never 
> got this error. So I am not sure why i might be getting this error this 
> time. Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Smriti
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