[Insight-users] CMakeLists.txt mistery...

kurt kurtzhao at yeah.net
Fri Sep 30 15:43:57 EDT 2005

Hi Jean-Philippe,

I had the same problem. Then I solved it by close and re-open my VC before rebuilding. 


[Insight-users] CMakeLists.txt mistery...
Jean-Philippe Guyon jguyon at ils-inc.com
Fri, 9 Jan 2004 13:12:15 -0500

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Hello Bill,

Thanks for the fast response :o)
I have compiled ITK in Release mode, and the ITK libraries are at their
expected location within the /bin directory of the insight binary directory.
It must be something else...


-----Original Message-----
From: insight-users-admin at itk.org [mailto:insight-users-admin at itk.org]On
Behalf Of William A. Hoffman
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 11:56 AM
To: piloo at unc.edu; insight-users at itk.org
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] CMakeLists.txt mistery...

Could be your built ITK Debug, and your are trying to link your project


At 11:45 AM 1/9/2004, Jean-Philippe Guyon wrote:
>I try to compile a project outside of the Insight repository, and I get the
following error at link time:
>------ Build started: Project: Vetot, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'ITKAlgorithms.lib'
>Build log was saved at
>Vetot - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
>I use  Microsoft Visual C++ .Net on a Windows 2000 workstation.
>I have been trying to figure out the cause for this error but I
unfortunately ran out of ideas after a while.
>Although, when I checked the properties of the solution file generated with
CMake 1.8.3, the following lines were defined in the 'Additional Library
Directories' :
>My understanding is that the UseITK.cmake should take care of defining
properly the required paths.It actually seems to be the case based on the
properties of the VC++ .Net solution.
>I attached my CMakelists.txt file to this email in case anyone can give me
a clue why this is happening.
>ps: I compile my project in release mode. All ITK libraries have been
compiled previously in the same mode and are at the right location, ie in
the /bin directory of my insight binary directory.

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