[Insight-users] VolView Plugins - Problems compiling the available sources

Karthik Krishnan Karthik.Krishnan at kitware.com
Wed Apr 5 16:01:41 EDT 2006

I fixed this in CVS a while ago:


Please update InsightApplications/VolViewPlugins


PS: In any case, you should have had an option "VOLVIEW_BINARY_DIR", 
where you are supposed to specify the folder c:/Program 
Files/VolView20/bin/Plugins folder.
If this directory is not specified, the plugins will be put into 
VolViewPlugins/VOLVIEW_BINARY_DIR-NOTFOUND/ and to use the plugins, you 
will have to manually copy them to the VolView folder, so that VolView 
can find them.

Olivier Noterdaeme wrote:

>I have installed VolView 2.0 and would like to create my own Plugins. To
>make sure I understand the process and that everything works I started
>compiling the available sources and ran into some problems.
>I downloaded a ZIP file containing the source and CMAKE list for 34 plugins.
>I "run" CMAKE on this directory and let it create a VisualStudio project in:
>This works fine. I then open "VolViewPlugins.sln" and select "Build
>Solution". For each of the 34 Plugins it reports:
>   Creating library Debug\vvITKAntiAlias.lib and object
>Performing Post-Build Event...
>Error copying file "/Debug/vvITKAntiAlias.dll" to "C:/Program
>Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing
>Post-Build Event..."
>Build log was saved at
>vvITKAntiAlias - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
>---------------------- Done ----------------------
>    Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped
>So it comes up with an error message for every Plugin.
>The other thing I don't understand is that in:
>It creates a folder ../debug containing:
>But is also creates a folder ../vvITKAntiAlias.dir/Debug containing only:
>There is no .exp or .dll file in this folder and so I guess it can't get
>copied to C:/Program Files...
>Can anybody shed some light on the error message from VS and the directory
>Below I paste the complete build Log from Visual Studio.
>I use ITK 2.4, VolView 2.0, VisualStudio 7.1.
>Thanks for your help!
>Build Log
>------- Build started: Project: vvITKAntiAlias, Configuration: Debug|Win32
>Command Lines
>Creating temporary file
>\Debug\RSP000064.rsp" with contents
>/Od /I "D:\ITK\Build\Utilities\vxl\core" /I "D:\ITK\Build\Utilities\vxl\vcl"
>/I "D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Utilities\vxl\core" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Utilities\vxl\vcl" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Utilities" /I "D:\ITK\Build\Utilities"
>/I "D:\ITK\Build\Utilities\gdcm" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Utilities\nifti\znzlib" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Utilities\nifti\niftilib" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Utilities\expat" /I
>"D:\ITK\Build\Utilities\expat" /I "D:\ITK\Build\Utilities\DICOMParser" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Utilities\DICOMParser" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Utilities\NrrdIO" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Utilities\MetaIO" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Code\SpatialObject" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Code\Numerics\NeuralNetworks" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Code\Numerics\Statistics" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Code\Numerics\FEM" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Code\IO" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Code\Numerics" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Code\Common" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Code\BasicFilters" /I
>"D:\ITK\Source\InsightToolkit-2.4.0\Code\Algorithms" /I "D:\ITK\Build" /D
>"WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "vvITKAntiAlias_EXPORTS" /D "_WINDLL"
>/D "_MBCS" /FD /EHsc /RTCs /MDd /GS /GR /Fo"vvITKAntiAlias.dir\Debug\\"
>/Fd"Debug/vvITKAntiAlias.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TP  /TP    /Zm1000    -DNOMINMAX
>Creating command line "cl.exe
>\Debug\RSP000064.rsp /nologo"
>Creating temporary file
>\Debug\RSP000065.rsp" with contents
>/OUT:"Debug\vvITKAntiAlias.dll" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO
>/LIBPATH:"D:\ITK\Build\bin\Debug" /LIBPATH:"D:\ITK\Build\bin\\" /DLL /DEBUG
>/PDB:"Debug\vvITKAntiAlias.pdb" /STACK:10000000
>/IMPLIB:"Debug\vvITKAntiAlias.lib" /MACHINE:I386 /STACK:10000000
>/machine:I386   odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib ITKIO.lib ITKCommon.lib
>ITKBasicFilters.lib ITKAlgorithms.lib ITKNrrdIO.lib itkgdcm.lib
>itkjpeg12.lib itkjpeg16.lib wsock32.lib snmpapi.lib itkpng.lib itktiff.lib
>itkjpeg8.lib ITKSpatialObject.lib ITKMetaIO.lib ITKDICOMParser.lib
>ITKEXPAT.lib ITKniftiio.lib ITKznz.lib itkzlib.lib ITKNumerics.lib
>ITKStatistics.lib ITKCommon.lib itkvnl_inst.lib itkvnl_algo.lib itkvnl.lib
>itkvcl.lib itknetlib.lib itksys.lib  kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
>winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib
>uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
>Creating command line "link.exe
>Creating temporary file
>\Debug\BAT000066.bat" with contents
>@echo off
>"C:\Program Files\CMake 2.2\bin\cmake.exe" -E copy /Debug/vvITKAntiAlias.dll
>"C:/Program Files/VolView20/Debug/Plugins/vvITKAntiAlias.dll"
>if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError
>goto VCEnd
>echo Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing
>Post-Build Event..."
>exit 1
>Creating command line
>Output Window
>   Creating library Debug\vvITKAntiAlias.lib and object
>Performing Post-Build Event...
>Error copying file "/Debug/vvITKAntiAlias.dll" to "C:/Program
>Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing
>Post-Build Event..."
>Build log was saved at
>vvITKAntiAlias - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
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