[insight-users] Setting up FEM - Registration parameters

Markus Weigert m.weigert at fz-juelich.de
Thu Apr 6 11:38:33 EDT 2006

Hi Nick,

I have additional questions on this:

|On a related note, it is interesting that you chose to forgo the .config file.  I actually rewrote the itkFEMRegistrationFilter and plan to include |it in an upcoming release along with additional modifications and extensions to the library (including B-spline elements).  The first thing I got |rid of was the .config file along with some parameters that weren't being used.

|Nick Tustison 

When will it be available, and about these extensions: 
Will this mean that the filter will not be based on a translational model only (I think I read this somewhere on the mailing list) 
and what will be the advantages in comparison to the present capabilities?

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