[Insight-users] initial parameters for affine registration

ilker hacıhaliloğlu hacihaliloglu at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 01:19:20 EDT 2006

Hi All

I am doing 3D affine registration with mattesmutual information but I have 2

1- I have really good registration results but I wanna know if we change the
volumes to be registered do we always need to change the optimization
I mean step length ; number of bins and spatial samples    ? Cause I am
registering Ultrasound images and whenever i change the columes I also need
to change these parmeters

2- Lets say I want to start with initial translation parameters x=- 8 y=1
z=1 How can I define this ?? I tried setting the intialparameters but its
now working somehow.

Thank you very much for all the help

'.....ich möchte mir eine ader öffnen, die mir die ewige freiheit

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