[Insight-users] wrapitk error

Ailton Santa Barbara ailton.santa-barbara at cenpra.gov.br
Thu Aug 3 15:05:52 EDT 2006

I need help.
I am trying to compile WrapITK and I am getting the following errors:

\Insight2-8\Insight\Code\Common\itkEllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction.txx(116) : fatal error C1076: compiler limit : internal heap limit reached; use /Zm to specify a higher limit
        C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\deque(39) : while compiling class-template member function 'void __thiscall itk::EllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction<3,class itk::Point<double,3> >::PrintSelf(class std::basi
c_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,class itk::Indent) const'
\Insight2-8\WrapITKNew_bin\Modules\Base\wrap_itkCastImageFilterPython.cxx(65536) : warning C4049: compiler limit : terminating line number emission
\Insight2-8\WrapITKNew_bin\Modules\Base\wrap_itkCastImageFilterPython.cxx(66482) : fatal error C1076: compiler limit : internal heap limit reached; use /Zm to specify a higher limit

I am using Zm2000 microsoft visual studio C++ V6.0 service pack6, with 4GB ram, XP windows, Insight2.8

My problems are MVS 6.0 ? or 2048 line limit reached ? or I am doing anything wrong ?

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