[Insight-users] issues in building InsightApplication on a linux

kurt kurtzhao at yeah.net
Tue Aug 8 14:53:05 EDT 2006

Hi everybody,

I got the errors below when I tried to build InsightApplication on a linux. The VTK looks fine.
I am using a gcc (GCC) 3.4.5 20051201 (Red Hat 3.4.5-2)

Thanks a lot!


[  9%] Built target vvITKConnectedThreshold
[  9%] Built target vvITKCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusion
[  9%] Built target vvITKCurvatureFlow
[ 10%] Built target vvITKDanielssonDistanceMap
[ 10%] Built target vvITKDeformableModelModule
[ 10%] Built target vvITKFastMarching
[ 10%] Built target vvITKFastMarchingModule
[ 10%] Built target vvITKGeodesicActiveContour
[ 11%] Built target vvITKGeodesicActiveContourModule
[ 11%] Built target vvITKGradientAnisotropicDiffusion
[ 11%] Built target vvITKGradientMagnitude
[ 11%] Built target vvITKGradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussian
[ 11%] Built target vvITKImageRegistration
[ 12%] Built target vvITKIntensityWindowing
[ 12%] Built target vvITKIsolatedConnected
[ 12%] Built target vvITKIsotropicFourthOrderLevelSet
[ 12%] Built target vvITKLandmarkWarping
[ 12%] Built target vvITKMask
[ 13%] Built target vvITKMaskNegated
[ 13%] Built target vvITKMedian
[ 13%] Built target vvITKRescaleIntensityTo8Bits
[ 13%] Built target vvITKScalarImageKMeansClassifier
[ 13%] Built target vvITKShapeDetectionModule
[ 14%] Built target vvITKSigmoid
[ 14%] Built target vvITKSurfaceSpline
[ 14%] Built target vvITKThresholdSegmentationLevelSet
[ 14%] Built target vvITKVectorConfidenceConnected
[ 14%] Built target vvITKWatershedModule
[ 15%] Built target vvITKWatershedRGBModule
[ 15%] Built target itkFloodFilledSpatialFunctionExample
[ 15%] Built target MultiResMIRegistration
[ 15%] Built target MIValidationApp
[ 16%] Built target GenerateProjection
[ 16%] Built target IntensityBased2D3DRegistration
[ 18%] Built target ConvertBetweenFileFormats
[ 29%] Built target ITKFltkImageViewer
[ 30%] Built target DistanceMapFilter
[ 30%] Built target DicomImageViewer
[ 31%] Built target GaussianFilter
[ 32%] Built target GaussianFilter2D
[ 33%] Built target Curves2DExtractorLib
[ 34%] Built target Curves2DExtractor
[ 35%] Built target Curves3DExtractorLib
[ 35%] Built target Curves3DExtractor
[ 36%] Built target DuctExtractor
[ 40%] Built target Morphogenesis
[ 41%] Built target MutualInformationEuler2DRegistration
[ 42%] Built target ImageRegistration
[ 43%] Built target ITKFlFileWriter
[ 44%] Built target imageRegTool
[ 45%] Built target RawImageReaderViewer
[ 46%] Built target VoronoiSegmentation
[ 48%] Built target ThresholdSegmentationLevelSetFltkGui
[ 49%] Built target ITKVtkFltk
Linking CXX executable ThresholdSegmentationLevelSet
/home/kzz/work/VTK-gcc/bin/libvtkRendering.a(vtkCellCenterDepthSort.o)(.text+0x18a2): In function `vtkCellCenterDepthSort::GetNextCells()':
: undefined reference to `vtkSortDataArray::Sort(vtkDataArray*, vtkDataArray*)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [ThresholdSegmentationLevelSet/ThresholdSegmentationLevelSet] Error 1
make[1]: *** [ThresholdSegmentationLevelSet/CMakeFiles/ThresholdSegmentationLevelSet.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

[  9%] Built target vtkCommon
[ 23%] Built target vtkFiltering
[ 30%] Built target vtkImaging
[ 44%] Built target vtkGraphics
[ 45%] Built target vtkGenericFiltering
[ 45%] Built target vtkMaterialLibraryConfiguredFiles
[ 54%] Built target vtkIO
[ 55%] Built target vtkParseOGLExt
[ 65%] Built target vtkRendering
[ 66%] Built target vtkVREncodeString
[ 66%] Built target vtksys
[ 66%] Built target vtkDICOMParser
[ 67%] Built target vtkpng
[ 68%] Built target vtkzlib
[ 71%] Built target vtkjpeg
[ 71%] Built target mkg3states
[ 74%] Built target vtktiff
[ 74%] Built target vtkexpat
[ 75%] Built target vtkMPEG2Encode
[ 76%] Built target vtkftgl
[ 78%] Built target vtkfreetype
[ 81%] Built target vtkVolumeRendering
[ 84%] Built target vtkHybrid
[ 89%] Built target vtkWidgets
[ 93%] Built target vtkParallel
[ 93%] Built target ProcessShader
[ 94%] Built target vtkNetCDF
[100%] Built target vtkexoIIc
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