[Insight-users] Help on applications of ITK in MFC

Xuejun sd2usa at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 21:18:05 EDT 2006

Would you please help me on how to use ITK in the MFC of visual C++.NET?


I tried two methods. First, I generated a MFC project, then constructed a
Cmakelist.txt file and used Cmake to create a solution file, but it does not
work well. Second, I tried to include ITK header files into the MFC
projects. But when building the project there were lots of errors "cannot
open include fie", although I included header files in the code and set up
additional include directories within the item "properties".


I found the examples in ITK illustrate how to use ITK under console of
windows, but not in MFC. 


I am a new user of ITK and this might be a very simple question. Your kind
help is greatly appreciated.



Best regards,





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