[Insight-users] DeformableModelSimplexMesh

Leila Baghdadi baghdadi at sickkids.ca
Wed Aug 23 14:50:56 EDT 2006

Hi Zein,

I have done some further investigation with this and fixed a few minor
things which I will commit to cvs soon.

However, the major issue which I still have not solved is as follows,

As you know, this application reads a binary a image to be converted to
a mesh using the vtkMarchingCubes class. This class happens to create
4-5 triangles per voxel of image (i.e, a huge number of triangles)
converting such a mesh to a simplex mesh for deformation will result in
a disaster unless you have unlimited memory on your system. 

So To avoid the above I placed the vtkDecimate class right after
vtkMarchingCubes for the sole purpose of reducing the number of
triangles by a huge number (i.e, creating a simplex mesh which can
easily be deformed for many iteration)

Unfortunately, over the course of VTK going through major modifications
this class is replaced by vtkDecimatePro which according to my tests
does not do a good job of reducing the number of Triangles unless
PreserveTopology is Off at which case it creates holes in the mesh
(i.e., not usable for converting to simplex mesh and going through the

I have sent an e-mail to vtk list asking if the old class could be added
to vtk tree so I could modify my itk code to use the old class.
Meanwhile, I am going to have to think about this and see if I can
resolve this myself.

Please continue using itk,


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