[Insight-users] Question on cost function of registration

Daniel Mace dlm19 at duke.edu
Wed Dec 20 22:20:29 EST 2006


The class you probably want to extend is the itk::ImageToImageMetric
(for pixel metrics) class. There are also other classes (point to Image,
point to point metrics), that might be more appropriate. Check out here
for the full list of metric classes:

The easiest class to look at to understand the code would probably be
the itk::MeanSquaresImageToImageMetric. Depending on your metric, it's
usually not too difficult to write your own metric class; The only
method I tend to change is the GetValue() method. Since the similarity
metric is already in ITK, the simplest approach would be to cut and
paste that class and modify the GetValue() method to add in your
deformation term.


Alexander.Wang wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am working on deformable registration, and want to try a new cost
> function when implementing registration. The cost funtion includes a
> similarity term and a deformation term. I only find the Metric
> representing similarity provided in ITK, maybe I missed something.
> Could anyone tell me how to implement this type of cost function? Do I
> need to write a derived class of metric? Any information or reference
> is appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!
> Alexander Wang
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