[Insight-users] Problem trying to open a DICOM series

Luca Binotto binotto at lycos.de
Fri Dec 22 06:02:15 EST 2006

Hi there,
I need to read the DICOM series hosted at http://www.medical-image-processing.info/MVE/Download/index.htm
( COLON DICOM 128x128x488). I used the code found in: DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx 
but it failed.
I don't know what is the correct PixelType to use (signed short ?) and/or
if I have to add/change something in :
 nameGenerator->AddSeriesRestriction("0008|0021" );
luca at linuxBINOTTO:~/devel/vtkITK> vtkITK  /home/luca/devel/vtkITK/Colon  IM_

The directory:


Contains the following DICOM Series:

WARNING: In /usr/local/ITK_src/InsightToolkit-2.8.1/Code/IO/itkGDCMSeriesFileNames.cxx, line 89
GDCMSeriesFileNames (0x819ec18): No Series were found

Segmentation fault
Is there someone that can help me ?
Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas


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