[Insight-users] correct numarray version for ITK 2.4.1

Charl P. Botha cpbotha at cpbotha.net
Mon Feb 13 05:44:23 EST 2006

Hi there Gaetan,

On 2/13/06, Gaetan Lehmann <gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr> wrote:
> You should really try the new wrappers.
> We have also worked on the nummaray interface, so it is finally really
> usable.

I'm trying to get WrapITK running as we speak, I just wanted to build
a stable ITK first to use for WrapITK. :)  I plan to port my ITK
software to WrapITK as soon as possible.

However, a darcs checkout from under Windows XP with dar cs 1.0.6pre1
(non-cygwin version) via "darcs get
http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr/darcs/contrib-itk/WrapITK" gives me the
following error:

Copying patch 348 of 348... done!
Applying patch 320 of 348... Unapplicable patch:
Sat Jan 28 19:50:37 W. Europe Standard Time 2006  gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr
  * itkvtk now works
darcs.exe: ./ExternalProjects/ItkVtk/Wrapping/Python/itkvtk.py: openBinaryFile:
does not exist (No such file or directory)

darcs then terminates, leaving the checkout in a non-updated state. 
Do you have any ideas on how to fix this?  On Linux it does work, but
I do need to get a Windows version going as well.

One other question:
>From reading the documentation, it seems that if you're going to use
WrapITK, it's really not necessary to build ITK with its own Python or
Tcl wrappings, as long as you have CableSwig built, is that correct?


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