[Insight-users] 3D multi-modality registration

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Jan 26 11:04:20 EST 2006

Hi Grace,

1) Once the registration is completed you obtain the parameters of
    a Transform. If you use that Transform for resampling the Moving
    image in the reference system of the Fixed image, then: yes, the
    first slice of one image will match the first slice of the other,
    and the same goes for every pixel.  This resampling is done in
    most of the Image Registration examples that you will find in the
    ITK Software Guide.

2) If you use only a section of one of the two images during the
    registration process, then it is normal that the results of the
    registration will change. This is simply because the evaluation of
    the Metric will be focused on the section of the image that you are
    extracting. In general, you should use the section of the image that
    includes all the anatomical structures of interest for your articular
    clinical application.



Grace Chen wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have two questions about registering two volumes that have different 
> physical attributes.  The origin, the spacing, and the dimension in z 
> direction, and the number of slices of the two volumes are all 
> different.  My first question is:
> When the ITK program registeres these two volumes, since the images are 
> aligned in the physical space, does that mean slice #1 of the moving 
> image is on the same z plane (in the physical space) as the slice #1 of 
> the fixed image?  And is this also true for the rest of the slices?
> My 2nd question is:
> If I extract partial volume from the moving image and use it as the 
> moving image in the registration, and then compared the registered image 
> with the one I get when using the whole moving image, I notice that 
> these two registered images are not exactly the same.  Is this a 
> sensible result? 
> Thanx!
> Grace
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