[Insight-users] Question about image orientation and MetaIO

Lino Ramirez ramirez at ece.ualberta.ca
Sun Jan 29 13:13:13 EST 2006


I am trying to display a raw image data set. For that, I wrote a .mhd
file. Everything works ok but the following two Tags:


It seems that whatever values I put in them are not taken into account for
the ImageViewer application or SNAP.

I noticed, though, that when I change the value in Orientation, I see a
change in the field Direction that appears when I display the image
information using

  std::cout << image << std::endl;

I am using ITK 2.2 with VS 2003 on Windows XP

Could someone tell me if the AnatomicalOrientation and Orientation Tags
are taken into account for displaying the images and more importantly if
they are taken into account for Image Registration?

Thank you,


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