[Insight-users] Gabor wavelet and Independent component analysis

Shlomo Kashani. shlomo_kashani at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 2 23:25:02 EDT 2006

  The questions are in the context of feature encoding for iris recognition. 
  1-Is there an existing implementation of 1D or 2D Gabor wavelet transform in ITK or has anyone implemented it?
  2-Is there an existing implementation of ICA (Independent Component Analysis) in ITK or has anyone implemented it? there is such an implementation in another C++ lib named IT++ but I just want to make sure there is no such implementation in ITK before I think about porting it.
  3-Is there an implementation of Cartesian to polar transform in ITK? I mean one that accepts a and edge mapped image with a two circles (forming a ring) and then transforms the ring into a rectangleuar image (used as part of a normalization process) 
  Thank you very much,

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