[Insight-users] Writing RGBPixel images problem, Bug?

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Fri Jul 14 16:45:04 EDT 2006

I am able to repoduce the problem with the given code only with  
xcode. I am running:

Max OS X 10.4.7
powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc.  
build 5341)
Xcode 2.3
cmake version 2.4-patch 2

When I use a "Unix MakeFiles"  all works fine. But when I use Xcode I  
am still getting the same error. I added printing of the thrown  
exception to the code and this is the output produced:

:~/temp/iotest blowek1$ Debug/iotest -2 -d 256 256 rgb -f test.tiff - 
v 128
Filename: test.tiff Dimensions: 256 256 -1  Value: 128 Type: Rgb
Can't write test.tiff
itk::ExceptionObject (0x256fdd0)
Location: "virtual bool itk::ImageIOBase::SetPixelTypeInfo(const  
File: /nfs/mead/Users/blowek1/software/InsightToolkit-2.8.1/Code/IO/ 
Line: 340
Description: itk::ERROR: TIFFImageIO(0x256fa00): Pixel type currently  
not supported. typeid.name = N3itk8RGBPixelIhEE

With this version of ITK I needed to change the version of CMake I  
was using. Perhaps I should build all the testing for ITK and do a  
more complete check. Is there any xcode builds on the dashboard?


On Jul 14, 2006, at 3:40 PM, Kent Williams wrote:

> I've tried to duplicate this with the current CVS for Insight, and  
> I've not been able to duplicate it.  I've attached my test program.  
> Never saw anything resembling this error message.
> The command line to generate a RGB Image file (in any format that  
> supports RGB) is this:
> ImageGenerate -2 -d 256 256 rgb -f test.tiff -v 128
> -2 means 2D, -d 256 256 means 256x256 image size, 'rgb' means use  
> itk::RGBPixel<unsigned char> as the pixel type,  -f test.tiff means  
> write to test.tiff, -v 128 means set every pixel to a value of 128.
> Bradley Lowekamp wrote:
>> I have been using itk::ImageFileWriter with pixel type  
>> itk::RGBPixel<unsigned char> to write my images and it was all  
>> working. With this useful function to wrap it:
>> template<class ImageType>
>> void WriteImage(typename ImageType::ConstPointer image, const  
>> std::string fname) {
>>  std::cout << "writing image \"" << fname << "\"..." << std::flush;
>>   typedef  itk::ImageFileWriter<   ImageType  > WriterType;
>>   typename WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
>>   writer->SetFileName( fname.c_str() );
>>   writer->SetInput(image);
>>   writer->Update();
>>  std::cout<< "done." << std::endl;
>> }
>>  I am now trying to use ITK 2.8.1 and no matter what file type I  
>> try saving as I am getting a message similar to:
>> Description: itk::ERROR: VTKImageIO(0x166f6d0): Pixel type  
>> currently not supported. typeid.name = N3itk8RGBPixelIhEE
>> I have tried tiff,png,jpg all with the same results. Perhaps  
>> something changed in this version? Grepping around in the test I  
>> see that the writers now use SetImageIO (not sure if this is new)?
>> I switched to 2.8.1 to use the  
>> itk::Statistics::ChiSquareDistribution class. The ITK_USE_REVIEW  
>> or the Code/Review does not include installation of the headers is  
>> libraries (not sure if this is on purpose).
>> Thanks,
>> ========================================================
>> Bradley Lowekamp
>> Management Systems Designers Contractor for
>> Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
>> National Library of Medicine
>> blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
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Bradley Lowekamp
Management Systems Designers Contractor for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov

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