[Insight-users] IsInside test TubeSpatialObject

Dan Mueller d.mueller at qut.edu.au
Tue Jul 18 21:57:19 EDT 2006

Hi Julien and Jerome,

The test file attached to bug-3418 
(http://www.itk.org/Bug/bug.php?op=show&bugid=3418&pos=0) is an example 
of when lambda is negative for flat end-types. I have verified this by 
putting a conditional std::cout statement in 
itkTubeSpatialObject::IsInside(.) and ran the 
itk::SpatialObjectToImageFilter with the attached file. FYI this 
SpatialObject should have the following specifcations: size=[64, 64, 
64], spacing=[1, 1, 1], and offset = [0, 0, 0].

Having a quick look at the code, if the point being tested (ie. 
transformedPoint) is ever less than a (the first iterator) then A will 
be negative, which in turn means lambda would be negative. Doesn't this 
occur for all points on the "left" of the tube?

Honestly, I haven't looked too much into the guts of 
itkTubeSpatialObject::IsInside(.) (except to report the original bug) - 
but the code works fine for me now. Jerome: if your interest is in 
speeding up SpatialObject to Image conversion, I hope to submit an 
article to the InsightJournal within the next few weeks with one such 
proposal (not requiring any changes to existing code)...

Hope this helps.



Julien Jomier wrote:
> Hi Jerome,
> I think you are right. The test for negative Lambda is incorrect for a 
> flat end-type.
> I've CC Dan Mueller who reported the bug for negative lambda. He might 
> have some suggestions on this topic. Dan, if you agree that if lambda 
> is negative we should skip the pair of points, I will commit a fix.
> Thanks for looking into this,
> Julien
> SCHMID, Jerome wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have a pb to understand the lambda condition being negative in the 
>> IsInside( point ) of TubeSpatialObject.
>> To me if lambda is negative, the current 2 consecutive points used 
>> for the test are not relevant, we should skip them and look for the 
>> next pair. Lambda negative means that the point is not inside the 
>> space within the two « normal disc » of the two points, so why do 
>> some test ?
>> I really cannot understand the test done on negative lambda. A bug on 
>> the bug tracker dealing with negative lambda was corrected suggesting 
>> that this lambda <0 test was genuine….
>> Can somebody provide me a very simple figure where this test is 
>> relevant? An mhd file with a point to test would be okay.
>> Thanks !
>> /Best Regards,/
>> / /
>> /Jerome Schmid/
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