[Insight-users] Watershed Filter for 3D data

K Venkatraman, Vijay (GE, Research, non-ge) vijay.venkatraman at ge.com
Thu Jul 27 07:49:45 EDT 2006


I am using the watershed filter on  3D data, it seems to be taking a long time (couple of hours for 100slices)
The pipeline looks like: Analyze 3D data (*.img)->GradientMagnitudeImageFilter->WatershedFilter.

The same pipeline works when the watershed filter is applied on 2D slices (extracted from 3D data), but I want them to work on the 3D data.

I tried using lower threshold and level parameters.The data is little endian and unsigned short (is the filter dependent on endianness of the data). I have tried applying AnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter on the 3D data. It didn't help.

Can anyone provide some help?


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