[Insight-users] mean behaviour of a vector field

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Jul 29 18:35:40 EDT 2006

Hi Michelangelo,

The best thing to do at this point is to save your deformation field
as a VTK or MetaImage image, and then load it into ParaView.

You can download binaries and source code of ParaView for free at


You will find instructions on how to use ParaView for visualizing
deformation fields in the ITK Software Guide


at the end of the Image Registration chapter.

Visualization will be very useful at this point, so you first
verify if the deformation field actually looks the way you are



Michelangelo Paci wrote:
> Dear list,
> I'm trying to obtain the mean behaviour around some points (that I read 
> from  a polydata) from a vector field obtained through an Image 
> registration.
> The problem is, even if the image is well reconstructed, the mean vector 
> in its relative point  hasn't the right direction. I'm doing this in 
> order to obtain an information about the direction of the movement of 
> some cells in a volume and... the information I obtain are totally 
> wrong. I thought the field wasn't homogeneous enough  so I increased the 
> smoothing term in the LevelSetMotion registration, or the number of 
> voxels I use to calculate the mean vector in a point, but i obtained 
> nothing.
> I include the source I written, hoping someone could help me.
> Thank you
> Michelangelo Paci
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