[Insight-users] registration without using moments or geometry

Rick Shilling rickshilling at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 14 12:38:15 EDT 2006

In doing itk registration, I already have a good initial estimate of the transformation WITHOUT using the itk::CenteredTransformInitializer momentsOn() or Geometry() methods.  With matrix & offset as my initial transform estimate I have:

registration->SetInitialTransformParameters( transform->GetParameters() );

Though on first iteration of registration->StartRegistration(); all points map outside the volume.  

As a sanity check, I then used itk::CenteredTransformInitializer with the momentsOn() method & was able to successfully register the volumes.  I then used that exact same initial estimate that MomentsOn() produced & hardcoded that matrix & offset as my initial transform REMOVING the itk::CenteredTransformInitializer object from the code.  Though, again, on first iteration of registration->StartRegistration(); all points map outside the volume.   Since it is clear that this initial estimate can provide working registration, do I need the itk::CenteredTransformInitializer object?  If not, what object/methods need to be called so that I can use my own estimate without having exceptions thrown?  

Rick Shilling
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