[Insight-users] seems to be a typo in the software guide

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Thu Jun 15 11:07:14 EDT 2006

DuanQi wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> On the last few lines on p148 in ch 6,(p180 in the pdf file of the 
> latest software guide), it said "
> The ShiftScaleImageFilter requires a multiplication factor (scale) and a 
> post-scaling additive
> value (shift)...". However, based on the equation and the actual 
> template code, it seems that the shift should be pre-scaling instead of 
> post-scaling.

Please add this to the bugtracker, at:


Thanks for report,

 while (!it.IsAtEnd())
    value = (static_cast<RealType>(it.Get()) + m_Shift) * m_Scale;
    if (value < NumericTraits<OutputImagePixelType>::NonpositiveMin())

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