[Insight-users] Python and ITK

Erik Anderson eranders at cs.utah.edu
Fri Jun 16 12:13:30 EDT 2006

Hi all,
    I have finally gotten ITK wrapped with Python as described in 
numerous places in the documentation, and I have found that the wrapping 
is functional.  Unfortunately, it seems that the ITK wrappers are not 
really that close semantically to the same wrappers for VTK.  I'm trying 
to generate a class heirarchy for ITK by querying the various built-ins 
and variables in Python.  This works quite well in VTK providing me with 
a full class tree as well as a method signature for each method of every 
class (whether it is abstract or not). 
    Is there a way to get at the method signatures and the parent-class 
that each class inherits from?  For the VTK wrapping it is only a matter 
of parsing the built-ins formed during the wrapping process 
(__members__,  and then the __name__ for each method), but I have not 
found a similar way to do this for ITK.  If anyone has any clues how to 
get at this sort of info, it would be much appreciated.

Erik Anderson

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