[Insight-users] Persisting a dynamically created image onto the file system

Shlomo Kashani. shlomo_kashani at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 26 13:07:25 EDT 2006

  For testing teh impulse response of some function I need to create an n*n image with zeros in in except for the central pixel which is supposed to be 1. Assuming I can correctly acomplish that (see teh code below), how do I write the dynamically allocated image using  itk::ImageFileWriter ?
  Thank you very much, 
  Shlomo Kashani. 
  typedef itk::Image<unsigned short,2> ImageType2D;
  typedef itk::ImageFileReader<ImageType2D> ReaderType;
  typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< ImageType2D > WriterType;
  // create a new image 
  ImageType2D::Pointer smallImage = ImageType2D::New();
  // define the size of the image 
  ImageType2D::SizeType size;
  size[0] = 50; // size along X
  size[1] = 50; // size along Y
  // define the starting position of the image 
  ImageType2D::IndexType start;
  start[0] = 0; // first index on X
  start[1] = 0; // first index on Y
  // define a region using the starting position and size 
  // declared earlier 
  ImageType2D::RegionType region;
  region.SetSize( size );
  region.SetIndex( start );
  // set the region to be processed
  smallImage->SetRegions( region );
  // allocate memory for the region
  // write the pixles
  // create new image reader, NOT sure if I need that 
  ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
  // create new image writer
  WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
  //How do I use the writer to persist smallimage ?

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