[Insight-users] registration: time-consuming metric

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Mar 7 08:53:50 EST 2006

Hi Jonathan,

Yes, the ITK registration framework makes possible to replace
the ImageMetric component.  Note that the other metrics will
not necessarily be faster. Mattes MI use a reduced number of
points, but also has to perform additional computations with

In any case, it is a good idea to experiment with different
metrics, as well as with modifying the parameters of such
metrics, until you find a combination that gives you a good
balance between the computation time and the accuracy of the
final registration.

Such a comparison of Metrics would be an interesting paper
for the Insight Journal. Note that such an experiment should
be reported as a "case study", and should avoid to fall into
generalizations that are not backed up by mathematical proofs.

Please let us know if you have further questions,



Jonathan Orban de Xivry wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently working on deformable registration of RC-CT images in the
> lungs. I'm using a mean square metric with a B-Spline interpolation (on a
> 6 by 6 by 6 grid ) in a 100*100*35 3D image. My computer is a pentium 4
> working with Ubuntu 5.04 and ITK 2.2 version. The optimizer is a LBFGSB
> and I've set the maximum number of iterations to 25.
> The registration works well but takes more than an hour to perform the 20
> to 25 iterations. I guess the metric is time consuming since it is
> performed on the whole image. I've seen that the Mattes Mutual Information
> metric allows to take samples in the image instead of taking all voxels.
> Is there a possibility to do the same thing in other metrics as Mean
> square or cross-correlation metric? Or do I have to implement it by
> myself?
> Thank you for your answer,
> Jonathan
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