[Insight-users] DICOM : ITK or VTK

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Thu Mar 9 08:34:28 EST 2006


	Do you have permission to share this image ? If so could you send it to 
me ? That'd be the easiest way.

	If not, could you send us a dump of the header using 
'DicomImageReadPrintTags' (you can find it in the Examples/IO dir). And 
parallel to that send us how you instanciate the itk::Image.


Frank Gao wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone please help with this?
> First, I use VTK to load 2D DICOM file and display it. Everything is good.
> Then I try to read 2D DICOM file with itkImageFileReader, and then use 
> itkImageTOVTKImagefilter to load the data into VTK and display it. I got 
> a picture with inverted gray maps (black turns into white).
> Is there any option in either ITK or VTK side to correct this? Do I have 
> to use any filter to reverse the picture?
> Your help is really appreciated.
> Frank
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