[Insight-users] Regularization terms for registration algorithms

Rosario Sance rsance at die.upm.es
Fri Mar 10 07:43:55 EST 2006

Hi everybody,

At the moment I´m dealing with 3D non-rigid registration. I´ve heard about 
the use of regularization terms to favor the smoothness of the deformation. 
That idea could be found, for example, in the paper:

Carlos O. S. Sorzano, Philippe Thévenaz and Michael Unser, Elastic 
Registration of Biological Images Using Vector-Spline Regularization, IEEE 
Transactions On Biomedical Engineering, Vol.52, Nº4, April 2005.

What I´d like to know is if there is something like that already 
implemented in ITK. Previous similar questions have been posed before in 
the users list but without response.

Could anybody help me?
Thanks a lot in advance.


Rosario Sance Garzón
Dpto. Ingeniería Electrónica
E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación
Avda. Ciudad Universitaria s/n
E-28040 - Madrid (SPAIN)
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