[Insight-users] Is there a transformation (3D rotation) in ITK to apply it on Volume?

Dan Mueller d.mueller at qut.edu.au
Sun Mar 12 00:24:24 EST 2006


ITK has a number of different Transforms which can represent rotations in 3D space. The Transforms that seem best to fit your problem of a rotation in 3D space are:
 * VersorTransform (3D rotation only),
 * Euler3DTransform (3D rotation followed by translation), or
 * AffineTransform (rotation, scaling, shearing, and translation) 

Have a look at the ITK Software Guide Section 8.8 for information about the different transformations, and Section 6.9.4 for the Resample Image Filter (the guide can be downloaded at http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf).

For example, the Euler3DTransform has the method SetRotation(..) which allows you to set the 3 euler angles for rotation around the x, y, and z-axis.

This transform could be setup like follows:
typedef itk::Euler3DTransform < double, Dimension >  TransformType;
TransformType::Pointer transform = TransformType::New();
transform->SetRotation(0.785, 0.785, 0.785);

Similarly, the AffineTransform has the method Rotate3D(..) which rotates around an axis in 3D space by the given angle.

Hope this helps points you in the right direction.



---- Original message ----
>Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 10:40:13 +0100 (CET)
>From: charfeddine amir <charfeddine_amir at yahoo.fr>  
>Subject: [Insight-users] Is there a transformation (3D rotation) in ITK to apply it on Volume ?  
>To: insight insight <insight-users at itk.org>
>   Hi all,
>   I tried to apply a 3D rotation to a volume , i
>   calculate the 3D matrice and apply it on Volume, but
>   i get errors if the rotations is composed of two
>   angle.
>   if i used only one angle i get right results.
>   could i apply the 3D rotation using ITK
>   transformations ?
>   thx for time and help
>   Regards,
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