[Insight-users] Deformable registration using BSplines example code--exception

Siddharth Vikal siddharthvikal at gmail.com
Thu May 4 10:34:39 EDT 2006


Did anyone try the example code of DeformableRegistration4 ? I was
trying it with example data RatLungSlice1, 2 as suggested in the ITK
software guide. I'm getting an exception as soon as StartRegistration
is called. It reads:

"The search direction is not a descent direction. IFlag = -1. Line
search failed. See documentation of routine MCSRCH; Error Return of
line search: Info = 0. Possible causes: Function or Gradient are
incorrect or incorrect tolerance"

Since, am using example code and example data, I cannot make out where
is it going wrong.

Can someone help please?


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