[Insight-users] Problems trying to update ImageFileReader.

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed May 10 08:38:51 EDT 2006

Hi Fran,

I don't see the *image filename* in the path that you are providing:


It seems that you are simply passing a *directory* name, and not
a *filename*.

I would have expected the path to have at the end something like:


Maybe you have a problem in the file dialog that you are using for
selecting the filename.



Fran Vázquez wrote:
> Hi all !.
> I´m developing a GUI using MFC and ITK 1.8.0. components. I have 
> modified manually an existing Visual.NET v 7.1 proyect in order to 
> attach ITK libs and DLL files.
> There is no problem when building/linking the proyect but when the 
> program reaches de "reader->update()" line it crashes. I get a window 
> telling me "This aplication has requested the Runtime to terminate it in 
> an unusual way, please contact with blah, blah, blah".
> I tried to catch the exception using a "try-catch" in this way:
> /try/
> /{/
> /reader->Update();/
> /}/
> /catch(itk::ExceptionObject &err)/
> /{/
> /CString msg;/
> /msg.Format("%s", err);/
> /MessageBox(NULL,msg, "Error", MB_ICONINFORMATION);/
> /}/
> However I can't see the message error because I'm not converting 
> properly the exception object "err" into a string. Instead a legible 
> string I only get "B@".
> Anyway I supposed it could be a problem with the image file path, so I 
> tried to type the full path test to prove if it works:
> /reader->SetFileName("D:\personal\fvazquez\itk180\proyectos\ITKHaloCount\HaloCountv019-1v6\Debug");/
> // 
> But I only get the same error window. I have read a mail asking about 
> this same problem but the proposed "try-catch" structure usinf 
> AFXMessageBox doesn´t work.
> I'm trying to open a JPG file. I have no problem when doing this in a 
> console aplications. What is more, I have tried to use a thread 
> executing this console aplication and it works!
> So these are my two cuestions:
> 1º. How can I convert an "exceptionObject" into a string to use it in 
> the message box?.
> 2º. What am I doing wrong when opening the image?.
> Thank you all in advance.
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