[Insight-users] itk class for isosurface extraction

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed May 10 08:43:01 EDT 2006

Hi Cecilia,

What is the purpose of extracting the iso-surface of the segmentation ?

Do you want to do visualization of that surface ?

Do you want to do further processing on that surface ?

If your purpose is to do visualization, the best option is to
combine ITK and VTK. You can take the ITK binary image resulting
from the segmentation and convert it to a vtkImageData that you
pass to a vtkContour filter. The result will be a vtkPolyData
that you can then visualize in a rendering window.

For a full example on how to do this, please look at the file:


It illustrates a minimal ITK+VTK pipeline that reads an image
segments its, convert the binary image from ITK to VTK, and then
extract contours from the VTK image.



cecilia.zanella at studio.unibo.it wrote:
> Hi,
> I need your help...I've created an application which returns the segmented 
> volume image as output. Now I have to extract the isosurface corresponding to 
> a grey level: I would like to know if is there an itk class for this purpouse. 
> Thank you all.
> Cecilia
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