[Insight-users] Urgent: Strange dicom imageIO

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Thu May 11 10:54:05 EDT 2006

> When writing DICOM, ITK does not undo this mapping.  This is the problem
> that you are seeing.  We have been struggling on how to address this issue.
> If the slope/intersept are specified in the meta data, we put these values
> into the DICOM header.  But we do not unapply this pixel transform. So if 
> you read this data back in, it essentially has had the slope/intersept applied
> twice!

I think that in all cases ITK when writing data is writing in the proper 
units. Therefore the slope/intercept should simply be set to 1,0. I 
don't see any case where the image would be loaded/manipulated in the 
non-units (aka raw stored pixel value, before slope/intercept) then 
written to disk.

Comments welcome

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