[Insight-users] How can I submit to the Insight Journal?

Benjamin King king.benjamin at mh-hannover.de
Fri May 19 09:37:26 EDT 2006


I have prepared a publication for the Insight Journal that is ready for 
submission. Unfortunately, when I try to follow the 'submit' link for the 
january - june '06 issue, I get:

  Bad Gateway
  The following error occurred:

  [code=DNS_NO_DATA] The IP address was not found during the DNS lookup.
  Contact your system administrator. 

Is there something I can do about that?


Benjamin King
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Diagnostische Radiologie / AB Exp. Radiologie
Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1
D-30625 Hannover
Tel: +49  511  532-2663
Fax: +49  511  532-3888

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