[Insight-users] casting question

smythek at u.washington.edu smythek at u.washington.edu
Wed May 24 11:10:55 EDT 2006

Thank you for your advice.  I found out that the RGBToLuminanceImageFilter does what I wanted (convert RGBPixel to a grayscale value of type float).


On Wed, 24 May 2006, Martin Urschler wrote:

> hi
> If you want to cast a vector pixel type (RGB color is a vector entity with 3 
> entries, one for red, one for green, one for blue, each of these entries being 
> unsigned char) to a scalar pixel type like float you have to somehow provide a 
> casting method since (I hope) there are no default ways how a vector is cast to 
> a float
> however you will have the problem how to define this cast... how do you combine 
> 3 unsigned char values to form a single float?
> perhaps you should explain in more detail what you intend to do in your 
> application...
> greetings,
> Martin
> smythek at u.washington.edu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have 2 color images that are 24bpp each, so I believe they are of type 
>> RGB.  I read in the images as InputPixelType=RGBPixel<unsigned char>, then 
>> recast it to just PixelType=float so I can run the PasteImageFilter.

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