[Insight-users] Cannot read DICOM file series : They are not DICOM !

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Oct 1 16:28:23 EDT 2006

Hi Luca,

      The files in


     are  *NOT* DICOM files they are just RAW data slices.

Please read the README files that are in each one of the datasets.

One easy way to read this data is by creating MetaImage headers
that refer to the list of raw file slices.

Please find attached the MetaImage header for the Tooth and Knee



Luca Binotto wrote:
> Hello users,
> I need to read the dicom file series hosted at http://nova.nlm.nih.gov/data/
> knee sheep and tooth series.
> For that purpose I used the code found in Examples/IO 
> DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx:
> For example to read the knee series I used:
> (  MRI human knee: each pixel is 16 bits (an unsigned short), data ordering BigEndian)

.... snip

>     return EXIT_FAILURE;
>     }
> #################################################
> shell output : (Linux)
> luca at linuxBINOTTO:~/devel/vtkITK> vtkITK /home/luca/devel/vtkITK/knee  knee
> The directory:
> /home/luca/devel/vtkITK/knee
> Contains the following DICOM Series:
> WARNING: In /usr/local/ITK_src/InsightToolkit-2.8.1/Code/IO/itkGDCMSeriesFileNames.cxx, line 89
> GDCMSeriesFileNames (0x812fed0): No Series were found
> Segmentation fault
> Someone can tell me what's wrong ?
> Thanks in advance, Luca
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-------------- next part --------------
NDims = 3
DimSize = 256 256 161
ElementSpacing = 1.0 1.0 1.0
Position = 0 0 0
ElementByteOrderMSB = True
ElementType = MET_USHORT
HeaderSize = -1
ElementDataFile = tooth.%d 1 161 1
-------------- next part --------------
NDims = 3
DimSize = 512 512 87
ElementSpacing = 0.25 0.25 1.5
Position = 0 0 0
ElementByteOrderMSB = True
ElementType = MET_USHORT
HeaderSize = -1
ElementDataFile = knee.%d 1 87 1

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