[Insight-users] A little help with getting Images Read

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Oct 23 10:16:48 EDT 2006

Hi Jonathan,

Please don't catch the exceptions with "catch(...)"

by doing this, you lose the information about what caused the

You should catch it first with:

     catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excp )
      std::cerr << excp << std::endl;

It is very likely that the message from excp is trying
to tell you what is wrong with the filename and you are
not seeing this message, because you are just catching
a generic exception.



Jonathan Wong wrote:
> Sorry. This is probably a simple fix, but I don't understand why it 
> doesn't work. For some reason, with the following code, where fn_image1 
> is simply argv[1], at reader->Update(), my program always throws an 
> exception.
>     typedef itk::Image < unsigned char, 3 > ImageVType;
>     typedef itk::ImageFileReader < ImageVType > ImageReaderType;
>     ImageReaderType::Pointer reader = ImageReaderType::New();
>     ImageVType::Pointer image;
>     try
>     {
>         reader->SetFileName( fn_image1 );
>         reader->Update();
>         image = reader->GetOutput();
>     }
>     catch(...)
>     {
>         std::cout << "Error while reading in fixed image." << std::endl;
>         throw;
>     }
> Using the VS 7.0 debugger it points to itkimagefilereader.txx
>     // Test if the file can be open for reading access.
> ->    std::ifstream readTester;
>     readTester.open( m_FileName.c_str() );
> I don't quite understand what the problem is. Compiling other examples, 
> the filereader seems to function normally. Also the file I'm trying to 
> read is in the debug folder, and therefore is in the same path as the 
> compiled executable. Information on how to fix this issue would be 
> appreciated.
> -Jonathan Wong
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