[Insight-users] About writing DICOM images

Rosario Sance rsance at die.upm.es
Mon Oct 30 12:38:08 EST 2006

Hi all,

At the present moment, I am dealing with dynamic 
series of 2D images in DICOM format.
I have to align pairs of slices to compensate 
breathing motion, and I have to save the 
resampled outcomes also in DICOM format. However, 
I only have found the way to read DICOM (with 
GDCMImageIO) but it doesn't work to write those slices.
I had a look on the ITK guide, and I read about 
the ImageSeriesReader and ImageSeriesWriter, but 
they don't solve my question. I mean, I'm neither 
reading a whole series and writing the separated 
slices of a volume, nor reading those slices and 
writing them as a unique volume. I have to read 
just slices inside a directory, process them and 
save them separately as 2D images.
I read something about similar previous questions but I didn't find the way.

Could somebody give me any useful clue?
Thank you very much in advance,


Rosario Sance Garzón
Dpto. Ingeniería Electrónica
E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación
Avda. Ciudad Universitaria s/n
E-28040 - Madrid (SPAIN)

Teléfono: +34 91 549 57 00 (Ext. 4220)
Fax:        +34 91 336 73 23
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