[Insight-users] Deformation Field Iterator Type

Kevin Ming ming.kevin at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 16:33:54 EDT 2006

Hi Luis,

I've extended the Level Set deformable registration algorithm from 2D to the
3D case, including the deformation field generation.  How would I go about
accessing each of the voxels in the image, then accessing each of the 3
vector components within each voxel?  I know it has something to do with the
iterator, as coded below:

typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< VectorImage3D1Type > Iterator3D1Type;

  typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< VectorImage3D2Type > Iterator3D2Type;

  Iterator3D1Type  it2( vectorImage3D1, region3D1 );
  Iterator3D2Type  it3( vectorImage3D2, region3D2 );


  Vector3D1Type vector3D1;
  Vector3D2Type vector3D2;

  while( !it2.IsAtEnd() )
    vector3D1 = it2.Get();
    vector3D2[0] = vector3D1[0];
    vector3D2[1] = vector3D1[1];
    vector3D2[2] = vector3D1[2];
    it3.Set( vector3D2 );

But how do I know which voxel the iterator is on (ie. where it is in the
image, in x,y,z components), especially when it's in 3D?

Thank you,
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