[Insight-users] Re: LBFGSBOptimizer: bounds for BSplineDeformableTransform?

Christoph Niedermayr niedermayr at trium.de
Wed Sep 27 06:33:37 EDT 2006

Am Mittwoch, den 27.09.2006, 12:14 +0200 schrieb Christoph Niedermayr:
> I'm confused about how to use the LBFGSBOptimizer with a
> BSplineDeformableTransform...
> Facts:
>  - LBFGSBOptimizer optimizes a set of variables within given bounds
>  - A bound is a scalar of type double.
>  - The parameters of the BSplineDeformableTransform are N-dim vectors.
> Question:
>   What is the meaning of a scalar bound in respect to a vector-type
>   variable? The length of the vector?

I just realized that the vectors are flattend, so that one parameter
equals one coordinate of a vector. Suddenly it all makes sense :)


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