[Insight-users] Data transfer
Zihua Su
zihuabox at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 17:32:50 EDT 2007
Hi there,
Though I tried the whole day, i finally gave it up. The Data trasnfer
is not right.
My situation is like follows:
I have a pre-defined data with the format unsigned short and a
pointer pImg to it.
I choose ImportImageFilter to chang it to ITK image data format so
that it can be processed by DanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter. It ends
up give me a balck sceen with nothing in it.
core part of my code is in the attachment.
Pls give me some clue for this/
-------------- next part --------------
#include "LcgParticalSegmentation.h"
#include "LcgUtilities.h"
typedef unsigned short PixelType;
typedef itk::Image< PixelType, 2 > ImageType;
typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<ImageType> IteratorType;
typedef itk::ImportImageFilter< PixelType, 2 > ImportFilterType;
/// define input and output imagetype, 2 stands for 2 dimension
typedef itk::DanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter<
ImageType, ImageType > FilterType;
typedef itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter<
ImageType, ImageType > RescalerType;
typedef PixelType* PixelBufferPointer;
void LcgParticalSegmentation::RichardDistanceMap(unsigned short *pImg, unsigned short *pBufferImage, int nx, int ny, int nz)
///// 3d data will be processed slice by slice
//// convert each slice to ITK supported format
const int Dimension=2;
FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
ImportFilterType::Pointer importFilter = ImportFilterType::New();
ImportFilterType::SizeType size;
size[0] = nx; // size along X
size[1] = ny; // size along Y
ImportFilterType::IndexType start;
start.Fill( 0 );
ImportFilterType::RegionType region;
region.SetIndex( start );
region.SetSize( size );
importFilter->SetRegion( region );
double origin[ Dimension ];
origin[0] = 0.0; // X coordinate
origin[1] = 0.0; // Y coordinate
importFilter->SetOrigin( origin );
double spacing[ Dimension ];
spacing[0] = 1.0; // along X direction
spacing[1] = 1.0; // along Y direction
const unsigned int numberOfPixels = size[0] * size[1] ;
PixelType ** localBuffer = new PixelType* [nx ];
int i;
for (i=0;i<nx;i++)
*(localBuffer+i)=new PixelType [ny ];
// localBuffer[0][0] = 3;
// PixelType * it = localBuffer;
int x,y;
int z=200;
for (x=0;x<nx;x++)
for (y=0;y<ny;y++)
// image->SetPixel( pixelIndex, *(pImg+x+y*nx+z*nx*ny) );
PixelType * pixelData= static_cast<PixelType*>( *localBuffer );
const bool importImageFilterWillOwnTheBuffer = true;
importFilter->SetImportPointer( pixelData, numberOfPixels,
importImageFilterWillOwnTheBuffer );
ImageType::Pointer image=importFilter->GetOutput();
/*ImageType::RegionType imageregion;
ImageType::SizeType imagesize;
imagesize[0] = nx; // size along X
imagesize[1] = ny; // size along Y
filter->SetInput (image);
// filter->Update;
ImageType::Pointer image2=filter->GetOutput();
//ImageType::Pointer image2=ImageType::New();
ImageType::RegionType region2;
region2 = image2->GetBufferedRegion();
const unsigned int totalNumberOfPixels= nx* ny;
// const PixelBufferPointer & buffer= new PixelType[ totalNumberOfPixels] ;
IteratorType it2( image2, region2);
unsigned short * data= pBufferImage+200*nx*ny;
while( ! it2.IsAtEnd() )
*data= it2.Get();
for (z=0;z<nz;z++)
for (x=0;x<nx;x++)
for (y=0;y<ny;y++)
void LcgParticalSegmentation::RichardParticalSegmentation(unsigned short *pImg, unsigned short *pBufferImage, int nx, int ny, int nz)
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