[Insight-users] Re-sort a 3D Volume

Roger Bramon Feixas rogerbramon at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 19:02:03 EDT 2007


I need to re-order the slices of a 3D volume. I tried to extract 2D  
slices using a "itkExtractImageFilter" and create a new volume using  
"itkTileImageFilter" but it doesn't work. The extraction works good  
because I write the output in a image and it's correct. The problem  
is in "itkTileImageFilter". I receive data empty error when I want to  
use tileImageFilter output. That is my algorism:

before the loop:

  - I instantiate the TileImageFilter
  - I set the layout in 1,1,0

into the loop over the images:

  - I allocated a different ExtractImageFilter for each image
  - I fed the TileImageFilter with the output of each different  
ExtractImageFilter: tileFilter->PushBackInput( extractFilter- 
 >GetOutput() ). I also tried to do that using: tileFilter->SetInput 
( i, extractFilter->GetOutput() )

after the loop:


After the loop, the layout is : 1,1,X where X is the number of slices  
that I pushed. Also, I read in a insight-user mail that they solved a  
similar problem saving all of ExtractimageFilter objects in a vector  
but in my way it doesn't work.

I hope anybody know anything about my problem.



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