[Insight-users] error while building in MS Visual C++ , cannot find header files

Ehtiati, Tina (SCR US EXT) tina.ehtiati.ext at siemens.com
Wed Apr 11 16:37:16 EDT 2007

I am a new user to ITK, I am trying to run some of the easier examples,
Image1 and Image2. Cmake build works fine but I get an error when I
build ALL_BUILD using MS Visual Studio ( 6.0 ) . While building in
Visual Studio, I get errors such as "itkImage.h" not found and also
"itkImageFileReader.h" not found. 

I am running the examples in a directroy I have created within the ITK
source tree. 

What should I do to include ITK Header files ?

Please Help.


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