[Insight-users] WrapITK and Java

Jaety Edwards jaety at cs.berkeley.edu
Tue Apr 17 17:36:08 EDT 2007

Thanks for the response. The details are helpful. I agree that the
third point (extensions) is probably the most important for me as
well, and as a test, I had already done this manually.

I created a separate c++ library that uses ITK, and wrapped it using
swig. My special purpose class expects an itk Image as input to one of
its methods. This works, but the only problem with this approach is
that the wrapper class for an itk::Image in WrapITK and the wrapper
class in my special purpose library are different, so I had to hack
together a way to rewrap the raw c++ pointer to convert back and

I had been intending to try something like the NumericPython extension
for a custom java Image Class to make this back and forth cleaner, but
considering your email, maybe it's a better idea to stick with the
approach I have?


On 4/17/07, Gaëtan Lehmann <gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr> wrote:
> Le 16 avr. 07 à 23:25, Jaety Edwards a écrit :
> > Hello all,
> > I've been playing with Java and WrapITK for a bit, and while it seems
> > quite useful, I've always been a little worried by this sentence from
> > the WrapITK readme:
> >
> > "Currently, WrapITK only supports Python properly; Java and Tcl
> > libraries build correctly but the Java and Tcl support classes for
> > loading these libraries needs some updating."
> >
> > I'm not sure whether this means that there are some hiccups I need to
> > watch out for, or whether there are still fundamental problems with
> > wrapping for Java that will at some point raise their head. I was
> > hoping that someone who knows more than I do could help expand on what
> > road bumps I should expect to see if I decide to try and use WrapITK +
> > Java.
> >
> In short, the status of java wrappers: it works :-)
> With a little more details: itk has not been as  well integrated in
> java than in python. Here is what you can do with python that you
> can't do easily (yet) in java:
>   - use native types instead of itk one for the small objects like
> itk::Index, itk::FixedArray, etc. I'm not sure that's as important in
> java than in python though.
>   - manipulate the template parameters
>   - use external projects to easily extend the capabilities of ITK,
> and link to other libs like vtk
> Only the last feature seem to be an important one to implement. We
> just need someone with a good knownledge of java to implement it -
> let me know if you are interested :-)
> Gaëtan
> --
> Gaëtan Lehmann
> Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
> INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
> tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66    fax: 01 34 65 29 09
> http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr

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